Dining out in a post-coronavirus world

Here’s an opinion piece I wrote for last weekend’s Irish Examiner, offering a perspective on the possible future for Irish dining and hospitality during Covid-19 and its aftermath. It has long been one of my most favourite things to do, to break bread with friends and loved ones in all manner of dining establishments, fromContinue reading “Dining out in a post-coronavirus world”

Pilgrim’s Progress

This is a review I wrote for the Irish Mail on Sunday, last August, 2015. Pilgrim’s is a very fine little restaurant based in Rosscarbery, in West Cork, owned and operated by chef Mark Jennings and his partner, Sarah-Jane Pearce, who runs front of house. It took just a single meal for it to be instantly installedContinue reading “Pilgrim’s Progress”

And, Lo, he Did Emerge from the Jungle!

It is some time since The Swashbuachaill has graced this fair forum, buried, as he has been, under an unforgiving pile of children, academia and actual paid work and he is still desperately scrambling to catch up with himself. So, instead of posting new material, he shall take the slacker’s option and simply upload someContinue reading “And, Lo, he Did Emerge from the Jungle!”

Count Me Out – thoughts about putting calories on restaurant menus

When I recently learned of plans to bring in legislation requiring restaurants to itemise the calories in each dish on their menus, my initial reaction, rightly or wrongly, was one of absolute disgust at what I perceived to be idiocy in the extreme. Most alarmingly, it seemed this process was being shepherded through with almostContinue reading “Count Me Out – thoughts about putting calories on restaurant menus”