The Cultured Club, by Dearbhla Reynolds

(An extended version of my regular Irish Examiner cookbook reviews.) Despite being the cook in our house, a daily communicant at the stove, lockdown now has me whiling away hours in the kitchen at a rate not seen since I last wielded a skillet in a professional capacity, way back when God was just anContinue reading “The Cultured Club, by Dearbhla Reynolds”

South, by Sean Brock

Extended version of my review of South, by Sean Brock, from The Menu, my weekly Irish Examiner food column Cookbook: South (Artisan), by Sean Brock Skim the surface and Sean Brock appears a facsimile of the 21st century hipster chef: food tattoos; visceral attachment to meat (in his case, pork); zealous advocate for the gospelContinue reading “South, by Sean Brock”

More Than Just a Cheap Cut

Along with almost every other journo in Grub Street, I have been asked to write about ‘cheap eating’ and have just written an article (published in today’s Irish Examiner) about saving money on food shopping for the family, specifically, how to buy meat for less.