And, Lo, he Did Emerge from the Jungle!

It is some time since The Swashbuachaill has graced this fair forum, buried, as he has been, under an unforgiving pile of children, academia and actual paid work and he is still desperately scrambling to catch up with himself. So, instead of posting new material, he shall take the slacker’s option and simply upload someContinue reading “And, Lo, he Did Emerge from the Jungle!”

My Irish Examiner Review of Greene’s Restaurant, Cork

Greene’s is now of an age, nearly 20, which might qualify it for institution status in Cork but partly due to its location, a little off the main drag, and partly due to varying fortunes in the kitchen over the years, it seems to have lost some of its lustre. But the current chef, FredContinue reading “My Irish Examiner Review of Greene’s Restaurant, Cork”